What we believe

At Poverest Road we are sure of one thing: Jesus is worth it! He is worth our worship, He is worth our time, He is worth our effort and He is worth our commitment.

Why do we feel these things? Because all of us know that without the love and forgiveness of Jesus, we would be lost and without real hope. Don’t be mistaken. The world we live in is beautiful, and there are many great opportunities to live a full and happy life. But without Jesus, we are lost in a way that we can’t fully understand until we find Him and the truth that he shows us. When we look at Jesus and His life and death we see God as He really is…in all His honesty and love.

And so, we are determined to put Jesus in the centre of all we do here, whether its supporting people in need in the local area, bringing up our children to know they are loved and accepted by us and God Himself, or working with other churches to build purposeful links with the community. It doesn’t matter what it is…it is worth doing well because Jesus has done so much for us.

We believe that Jesus died for us, rose again for us and lives now for us. And He will return soon for sure. But this is not a cause for concern if we know Jesus as our saviour and Lord. At Poverest our desire is to see people grow in their faith and mature rather than stay static. And we expect people to take some responsibility for the support they give one another an the work they are prepared to do to see the church built up.

If this all sounds like a vision you could buy into, come and meet with us one Sunday afternoon or give Kevin, the Pastor, a ring where these values and ideals can be discussed and expanded. Go for it…Jesus is worth it!